Johnny Carson tagged posts

Bob Saget: Warm, Funny, Dirty Daddy

 Bob Saget is both warm and friendly while being vile and shocking –all of it with a smile in his voice and manner.

Bob’s known for roles like DANNY TANNER on FULL HOUSE, a show that had a 7 year run in the late 80s and mid 90s.  He also was the original host of AMERICA’S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS at the same time.   All of that vaulted him to enormous visibility.

The one through line during his life and career has been has been his masterful stand-up act.  Shocking to many given his wholesome image, it’s consistently hilarious and very much in demand. 

Most recently, Bob was the voice of the future Ted Mosby on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER.

His new book DIRTY DADDY which you can buy here takes the reader through his life which is filled with bitter loss but also amazing life gifts.  Bob shares stories of meeting some of the shining lights of a show business career that’s spanned decades

We talk to him about all of it.

Heather Ankeny joins with The King of TV, Paul Goebel.

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